Revolving Loan Program
for Southeast Idaho

The objective of the Revolving Loan Fund (RLF) is to create and retain jobs, to secure capital formation and to help business and industry in activities that promote economic health. These funds are available in conjunction with bank financing to for-profit small businesses in the seven counties serviced by SICOG—Bannock, Bear Lake, Bingham, Caribou, Franklin, Oneida, and Power Counties.

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Economic Development
for Southeast Idaho

Comprehensive Economic Development
Strategy for Idaho Region V (CEDS)

Region V (Overview)

The Southeast Idaho Council of Governments (SICOG) is the Economic Development District (EDD) designated by the Economic Development Administration (EDA) to prepare the CEDS. The Pathways are the tools local individuals and organizations use to reach economic prosperity in Southeast Idaho.Vision for Region V: The heart of Southeast Idaho’s success is enhancing opportunities for the people of Idaho through our diversity, wealth of natural beauty and resources, expanding high tech sector, education and career development, agricultural abundance and promoting the entrepreneurial spirit.In the Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) resides the Idaho Pathways. The following three pathways are the result of the unrelenting commitment of leaders from business and industry, state and local government, and a diversity of other economic development stakeholders. The three Idaho Pathways are:DYNAMIC ECONOMIES—Creating the environment for thriving industries that are diverse, sustainable, geographically dispersed and globally competitive.EMPOWERED PEOPLE—Fostering a culture that enables people to lead productive, prosperous and meaningful lives.VITAL COMMUNITIES—Enhancing our communities’ unique characteristics, strengths and assets to improve economic competitiveness.The Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) is a locally-based, regionally-driven plan for economic development. The CEDS addresses economic activity in the following seven counties:Oneida • Bear Lake • Franklin • Caribou • Power • Bannock • BinghamRECOVERY AND RESILIENCY PLANThe Economic Recovery and Resiliency Plan was developed because of the devastation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, through the collaboration of the Regional Economic Resiliency Team & the Southeast Idaho Council of Governments (SICOG). SICOG, being the head of the designated Economic Development District of Idaho, covering the seven Southeast Idaho Counties (Region V). The Regional Economic Resiliency Team consisting of Government  Agencies, Elected Officials, Non-Profits, Economic Development Organizations, Offices of Emergency Management, Health and Educational Institutions, Financial Institutions, and the Business Community all collaborated at monthly meetings to develop the Economic Recovery and Resiliency Plan through various methods that concentrated on the economic impact COVID-19 had on our region, and to build a resilient plan. Some of these goals consisted of rebuilding resilient and sustainable communities throughout the seven county region, assist in local, state and federally led coronavirus recovery planning efforts among the most highly impacted communities, and help foster public and private partnerships to help with the recovery and resilience process. Through these goals, the Regional Economic Resiliency Team was able to identify categories region-wide that have been impacted the most by COVID-19 and develop long-term and short-term planning. An implementation strategy consisting of goals, strategies and actions on a detailed timeline to foster recovery and resilience throughout our region, as well as a communication strategy is put forth in the Economic Recovery and Resiliency Plan. As such, it should be used as a guiding template moving Region V forward. This plan is subject to change as more information is brought to light, and will be kept up-to-date to the best of our abilities.Download here: Final SICOG’s Recovery and Resiliency Plan

No More Excuses, if you can't do the job, step aside.


Counties can be great resources for acquiring grants that they can regrant out and or loan out to businesses.

However, each county is only as good as their commissioners are at getting these funds. everyone only knows what they know and have no idea about what they don't know.

Look here and learn the programs and tell me about how you would use the money.

How to Apply for a Federal Funding Opportunity on – Community Blog (